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Lab Analyser Integration System Software
Saral-Connect is software which is used to interface the lab analyzers with the computer software to transfer the data automatically so that we do not need to enter the data manually for the patient report to avoid human mistakes. Now a day’s LIS is necessary requirement for lab. LIS can be done for both Uni-directional or Bi-directional mode.
Features of Saral-Connect
Hematology analyzer show report with histogram data.
Option to print fill color and black and white report.
Less human involvement to avoid typing mistake.
Barcode integration to reduce reporting time.
A bulk sample load can manage with minimum efforts.
Provide facility to manipulate machine reading.
Centralized data store provide to check and patient report.
LIS can integration with other vendor software also.
Open patient data system provides facility to connect other software vendor.
Integration can connect com port or serial Network port.